British Columbia

Welcome to our Chapter

The ICD’s BC Chapter has three vibrant branches – Vancouver Island, Okanagan and Vancouver – with over 2,200 members.  We hold 15 – 20 events a year, making us one of the ICD’s largest and most active Chapters.  Our events almost always sell out, as the topics are selected after canvassing our highly engaged membership to ensure we address their interests and reflect the breadth of our members’ boards – from NFPs to large publicly-traded companies, each of whom have their own unique challenges and opportunities.

Featured Leaders

Featured Leaders

John Desjardins

Chapter Chair
View Profile
Featured Leaders

Michael Conway

Chair, Okanagan Branch
Featured Leaders

Jennifer Coulson


Chair, Vancouver Island Branch

Interested in joining?

If you are interested in joining a Chapter committee, please contact the BC Chapter Administrator at bcinfo@icd.ca.

Member Spotlight

BC Chapter, Director Spotlight : Janet Woodruff, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D

BC Chapter, Director Spotlight : Dale Parker, F.ICD

Pat Elemans The BC Chapter salutes Pat Elemans, a valued member of our Executive Committee, taken too soon.

Tim Manning, OBC, ICD.D and Fiona Macdonald, ICD.D

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